Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27- December 1

Mon. Unit 5 ws 12 Mult. Polys FOIL
Tues. Unit 5 ws 13 Special Cases
Wed. Unit 5 ws 14 Review FOIL Day 1
Thurs. Unit 5 ws 15 Review FOIL Day 2
Fri. Unit 5 ws 16 Review Unit 5 Day 1

Resources to supplement the class lessons: 

Section: Mult. Polys FOIL

Section: Special Cases

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 20-24

Mon. Unit 5 ws 10 Polys in Descending Order and +/- Polys
Tues. Unit 5 ws 11 Mult Polys by a Mono
Wed. no school
Thurs. no school
Fri. no school

Resources to supplement the class lessons: 

Section: Polynomials Descending order and +/- Polynomials

Section: Mult. Polys by a Mono

Friday, November 10, 2017

November 13-17

Mon. Unit 5 ws 5 Quotient Rules w/Negative Day 2
Tues.  Unit 5 ws 6 Dividing Exponents Practice
Wed.  Unit 5 ws 7 Review Power Rules Day 1
Thurs. Unit 5 ws 8 Review Power Rules Day 2
Fri. Quiz 5 Exponents/Scientific Notation notes

Test 8  Tuesday 12/5

Resources to supplement the class lessons:

Quotient Rules Day 2 Negative Exponents
If you have Ms. Cory or Mr. Welciek:
If you have Ms. Litersky:

Section: Scientific Notation

Monday, November 6, 2017

November 6-10

Mon. Unit 5 ws 1 Power of Product Rule Day 1
Tues.  Unit 5 ws 2 Power of Product Rule Day 2
Wed.  Unit 5 ws 3 Review Power Rules
Thurs. Unit 5 ws 4 Quotient Rules Day 1
Fri. No school

Resources to supplement the class lessons:

Section: Multiply Monomials

Power of Product Day 1:
Power of Power Day 2:

Section: Quotient (Dividing) Monos

Quotient Rules Day 1

Next Monday:
Quotient Rules Day 2 Negative Exponents
If you have Ms. Cory or Mr. Welciek:
If you have Ms. Literski: