Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Year 2 Unit 3 Factoring

Unit 3 Day 1 Factoring Using the Distributive Property watch the first 3 minutes, notes start at the 3:40 minute mark:

Unit 3 Day 2 Factoring Trinomials Day 1:

Unit 3 Day 4 Factoring Trinomials Day 2 GCF:

Unit 3 Day 8 Factoring Trinomials ax^2+bx+c:

Unit 3 Day 11 Difference of Squares:

Unit 3 Day 13 Review Factoring GCF & Trinomials: 

Unit 3 Day  Review Factoring Trinomials with Leading Coefficient: 

Unit 3 Day 18 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Zero Product Property:

Unit 3 Day 19 Solving Trinomials Equations by Factoring: